Wednesday 14 March 2012


I have always use the alias I.S since i started out my adventure in the Internet. That was in 1997.

I was invited by SG club from EDMW forum to start blogging my thoughts being a Singaporean residing in Australia. It was a WEIRD feeling. I always wanted to write, normally i write chinese but anyhow, quick intro about myself.

Internet always has been a interesting virtual space where you had to have the benefit of doubt while reading anything. I remembered when i first started out my adventure in "WWW." I had people asking me same question over and over again, which made me so irritated that i had to reply this :

"a/s/l please" (which denotes age sex location)
"anytime, twice a week, on the bed" (my automated reply)

:P it works and i stop receiving pranks after a while.

Enough for the gags, I am long "expired" according to Singapore standard by the men. Seriously, I've got "complaints" that if i am lucky in our oriental culture terms, i would have grandchildren in 5 years time. I currently reside in south australia, used to stayed in Melbourne for some time. I have been in Australia 4years thereabouts. By and by i will add in some stories of how i ended up being a KBW (key board warrior) in a foreign land.



  1. Thanks IS for contributing to our blog! Looking forward to read more blog post from you soon! :)

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