Wednesday 28 March 2012

To Singlish or not?

To Singlish or not?

Hi all, we have received some emails with both positive and negative feedback about this website using "singlish"

We would like to say that this blog is contributed by volunteers and every volunteer is free to write whatever they want. This way we can have a blog that is uniquely Singapore!

This is a place for you to connect all Singaporeans in Australia, so meanwhile, why worry, relax, sit back and enjoy the youtube video above!

If you like the video, and want to see more, just go to youtube and search for dr jia jia or click on the link below to be directed to you tube


  1. Singlish, a possible future mode of communication in singapoh.and how she is bespoke. If you don't like it, it's okay but you mai kiasu then get educated and more importantly get used to it hor.

  2. they simply have no idea what does the REAL singlish looks like...i will pop an article on that as well. lol'd Its a darn donkey language.

    As mentioned by merlion encik, the objective is to get everyone to chip into this blog to get together like a mini SINGA club as a mental & emotional support for those who are alone in overseas. Hence, It has to feel HOME, using home language is not a bad thing, it should feel, there are kakilang around.

    I do not think that, this web log had over used singlish. Maybe some grammatical mistakes but hey, not all of us here are native english speakers.

    If anyone (non singaporeans especially) has diffculty reading any of the blogs, leave a anonymous comment, i will get back to you with proper english abstract. I promise.

  3. American English is different from UK English, each Country has their own "slang", words/meanings different from dictionary. Even Singlish, I do find it interesting how this language has evolved over the years.
    Whenever I'm back to Singapore, there's always something new to this language! Interesting leh.....

  4. lie-let oso kong-plain ah? wah lau eh...sue sar man... why compete with the other club of loke koon, chye woo, tao kay, chenhu nang etc where King's Speech is a regular live show ?

    1. HOGAY....dis singlish of chiurs ish bery hard to faham ka....saya ish tak faham wad toking chiu

      well thats real singlish deal for ya'

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